(406) 630-1805 HELENA: 1050 Helena Ave # 4 BUTTE: 1313 Harrison Ave

Our team can help advise on preparing your home, staying safe and keeping your loved one comfortable. We focus on providing the best quality of life for your loved one. We offer a wide variety of canes, walkers, rollators, bath chairs, wheelchairs, assistance aides, hospital beds and more.
Buy any Rollator, Wheelchair or Transport Chair on a Tuesday and receive $10 Off!
Come in and ask for our Military Discount! 10% Off Everyday!
We offer a wide variety of Juzo & Sigvaris compression socks and garments to help keep you at your best. Come in for a custom fitting.
Discover a wide range of high-quality medical supplies and home health products at Home Medical Supply. We are dedicated to providing exceptional care and support for your health needs.
Our experienced team will always put your needs first. We are proud to provide a high quality level of customer service and commitment to health and wellness to all our clients.
Our goal is to keep you safe and comfortable.
With years of experience, our team will assess and propose equipment and supplies that is right for you.
We understand the importance of educating you on the most effective products, so that you can live your best life.
We source our medical supplies from trusted manufacturers to ensure that our customers receive only the best. Our extensive range includes mobility aids, safety, hygiene and daily living aids tailored to your needs.